Our Lady of Peace Parish offers a Home Study option for those families that cannot attend during the school year. This program uses the same textbooks and requirements for each grade level as our traditional program. Each family must be approved for this and contact the Faith Formation office first for acceptance into this program. You can call the office at 856-629-0614 or email at [email protected] for more information. Our office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8-1
Grades 3-5 will be using the Sadlier text called Christ In Us. Please read the Program Procedure for more information. Grade 6 will use the We believe Catholic Identity textbook. and can use these materials as well
A final exam will be issued in May for all students.
If accepted for our Home Study option, please complete the registration form indicating the home study option. There is a tuition charge of $35 to cover the cost of the textbook.
Please note: Pre- Sacramental years of 1st and 7th Grades and Sacramental Grades of 2nd and 8th are NOT eligible for Home Study
It is our obligation as practicing Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. Please set the example for your child in honoring this obligation.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the Faith Formation office.
Thank you for your dedication in ensuring that your child continues their education in the Catholic faith.
Home Study 2024-2025 Lesson Calendar
Weekly Assignment Completion Form
10 Tips for Teaching Religion Lessons to Your Children at Home
Diocese of Camden Home School Policy
updated 5-22-24